Bite prevention – avoid mosquito bites by using insect repellent, covering your arms and legs, and using a mosquito net. Check whether you need to take malaria prevention tablets – if you do, make sure you take the right antimalarial tablets at the right dose, and finish the course.
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The other stars are far away from us but the sun is close but not to close to us
a. prevention, minimization, reusing, recycling, energy recovery, disposal
The waste hierarchy is a concept used in solid waste management, which consists of identifying the basic strategies and their respective importance for waste management. According to the hierarchy, waste prevention, or reduction, is at the top, so it is the most important factor. It is followed by reuse, recycling and, finally, recovery, the landfill being the last option suggested for the destination of solid waste.
Greenhouse affect - atmosphere traps heat
Ice age - coldest phase of climate cycle
Sun's output - can vary
Greenhouse gases - atmosphere traps even more heat
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan.