B. 1 in 4 which is also 25%
Encouraging more foreign investors
emphasis on tourism and film industry
Exploiting large nature gas reserves
1. Divergent.
2. Transform.
3. Transform.
4. Convergent.
5. Divergent.
6. Transform.
A landform refers to a geomorphic or natural feature of the Earth's surface, which typically makes its terrain. Some examples of landforms on planet earth are mountain, plains, valley, hills and plateau.
Basically, the tectonic plates such as the oceanic and continental lithosphere interact in three (3) ways and these are; divergent, transform and convergent boundaries.
Matching the various types of plate boundaries with their description, we have;
1. <u>Divergent</u>: plates are moving apart from one another. An example of a divergent is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mid-ocean ridge is a seafloor or underwater mountain range formed where tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary. It is approximately about 65,000 kilometers deep. Some examples are the East pacific ridge and Mid-Atlantic ridge.
2. <u>Transform</u>: plates are sliding past one another horizontally.
3. <u>Transform</u>: this boundary is normally devoid of volcanism.
4. <u>Convergent</u>: where lithosphere or crust is sinking into the mantle. An example of a convergent is where subduction zones or collisions occurred such as the west coast of South America.
5. <u>Divergent</u>: characterized by basaltic volcanism and seafloor spreading. A rift valley are formed at where Earth's tectonic plates rifts and it's a lowland region found both at the bottom of oceans as a result of seafloor spreading and on land. Some examples are the Rhine Rift valley and Baikal Rift valley.
6. <u>Transform</u>: it is a boundary that we assign to the San Andreas fault.
Air temperature is a measure of how hot or cold the air is.