In writing this headline I would suggest focusing on the perspective of each party based upon their political views. A colonial patriot would support this action and applaud the revolutionary method of protest. However, a loyalist would consider this act treasonous and would not support it.
The Jewish would eat matzo at the day of Passover
Rebecca Latimer Felton
Appointed to fill a vacancy on October 3, 1922, Rebecca Felton of Georgia took the oath of office on November 21, 1922, becoming the first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate. : )
During his period architecture reached its highest water mark in India. As observed by the noted art critic Percy Brown, “As it was the proud statement of Augustus that he found Rome built of bricks and left it of marble, similarly Shah Jahan had found the Mughal cities of stones, he left them of marble”.
Shah Jahani's architectural style of the building is India that flourished during the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. Taj Mahal in Agra, India is a prime example of this type of architecture. architecture is marked by symmetry and balance between the parts of the building, with white marble become the primary choice of building materials.
Another example of Shah Jahan period architecture found in the Red Fort in Delhi, India. "Hall of Public Audience" and "Hall of Private Audience", which housed the Peacock Throne, two more examples of the architecture of this period.
Under the reign of Shah Jahan, however, there is an emphasis unprecedented in Mughal architecture in a graceful line structure and a harmonious balance between all the parts. Shah Jahan's personal involvement in architecture and urban planning appears to have motivated others, especially high-ranking ladies of the court, to build