The correct answer is : The Book of the Dead.
<em>The Book of the Dead is</em> an ancient Egyptian funerary text, a collection of magic spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the after life.
These spells were designed to provide protection and help to the spirit of the dead person. The afterlife was considered to be a continuation of life on earth. The spirit had to pass many difficulties and judgement in the Hall of True before it could reach a paradise. The spells were there to assist the spirits during the passage, giving them instructions and enabling them to assume the form of several mystic creatures. It also contained passwords necessary for admittance to certain stages to the underworld.
The spells were usually written on a tablet or a sarcophagus instead of papyrus, this was the reason why many copies survived.
Social: ancient civilizations were very hierarchical, organized in castes. Social mobility was very difficult, this means that if a person was born poor, it was very unlikely for this person to become wealthy later in life.
Political: most ancient civilizations were monarchies, or dictatorships. Republics were essentially non-existant. That is to say that they were ruled by a single powerful man like a pharaoh, or a few people, who had no almost no limits to their power, and who were not elected by the people. Power was instead, hereditary.
Economic: all of these civilizations had an economy that was based on agriculture, because agriculture was the activity that allowed civilization to emerge in first place. The most valauble resource was land, and land was often monopolized by a few powerful individuals, the same people who had political power.
One audience for the Declaration of Independence was the American colonists. In the document, Jefferson lays out the argument for forming a new nation. He lists the goals of the new government—this will be a government that will safeguard the people's natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.