Look at the pictures and write about Faris's day. Use time words
35words 40words * 50 words ***
Writing checkout
Olused capital letters at the beginning of sentences. Olsusea finger espace between e
the pictures (I will describe it by words)first picture the boy returns from school the sec picture is I return and eat with the family and the third picture is I played with my sister and the fourth is I watch TV with my siblings and the last picture is I take the book and study ,in order write a story using this pictures that I describe it.
Yes, the woman who became " girl computers" held to higher standard. The computers are usually dominated by males. Therefore, when woman become girl computers, they tend to have higher standard in order to prove that they are better than man. They set a higher standard for themselves to show that they can also do what males can do.
Absolutely not because this would mean we'd not work with International countries and many other things. Look up the definition of Isolationism and come up with your own answer in your own words because it's asking you to provide your own opinion
Local rfoads, not interstate highways