Martin Luther had the greatest Impact on the Protestant Reformation. He called out all of the bad things, and hypocritical things the catholic church has done, causing people to questions the teachings of the catholic church and turn to other religions
By the bombing of Tokyo, you mean the Doolittle raid then yes, It was a much-needed morale booster.
Answer and Explanation:
O Ceará pe um estado do Nordeste Brasileiro e é limitado pelo Oceano Atlantico, além de apresentar divisas com os estados da Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernanbuco e Piaui. O ceará é considerado o oitavo estado mais populoso do Brasil, apresentando cerca de 8,843 milhões de habitantes, que estão distribuídos em 184 municipios.
A capital do Estado é Fortaleza, porém outras cidades importantes são Juazeiro do Norte, Sobral, Caucaia, Horizonte, Maranguape e Maracanaú.
O estado é muito conhecido pela quantidade de humoristas que nasceram nele, além de ser muito visitado pela religiosidade, pois é um local com forte infleuncia cristã católica, sendo a cidade de Juzeiro do Norte um grande ponto turistico para os fiéis.
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100% positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Because he believed that african indepence would solve colonial rule hardships, and bring opportunity and prosperity
Kwame Nkrumah was a former Prime Minister and later President of Ghana. He is considered as one of the best politician and revolutionary leader in Ghana history. He played an important role in the Gold Coast route to independence from Britain in 1957.
He opposed colonialism which he sees as a cousin to imperialism because, he believed that, colonialism brings hardship to its subjects. Hence, he supported independence and self government, which he perceived to be the solution to Africa, and that it will lead to opportunity and prosperity while transforming the economy of the country for better.