Im not sure about it I think it’s a tho
Right to an attorney
This case was to determine if everyone has equal rights in the court of law, specifically the right to be awarded a counsel if not able to afford one. Clarence Earl Gideon, a drifter was arrested for breaking and entering and petty larceny. Clarence couldn't afford a counsel and was not appointed one, so he had to defend himself and subsequently lost. He had to serve 5 years in jail, Gideon argued in his appeal that he had been denied counsel and, therefore, his Sixth Amendment rights, as applied to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment, had been violated. The decision was announced as being unanimous in favor of Gideon, saying “if desired by a defendant who could not afford to hire counsel, was a fundamental right under the United States Constitution, binding on the states, and essential for a fair trial and due process of law regardless of the circumstances of the case.”
They didn't, this is a rumor
The role of women in colonial Latin American society was markedly different than that of men. Men were supposed to be intelligent, active, independent; women were usually portrayed as silly, passive, dependent creatures. Men were charged with protecting their family's honor and fortune whereas women could endanger them through sexual misbehavior. Men could freely come and go, but women's physical movement was closely scrutinized. In other words, gender mattered.
Colonial Latin American women lived in a patriarchal society, a world in which men occupied positions of authority and power. In general men had rights over women that they did not have over other men, and women did not have over themselves. Men also defined acceptable female conduct, and controlled the justice system, which punished those who overstepped the established boundaries of acceptable behavior. But even here there was always some room for negotiation, for protecting a women who had failed to adhere to the rules of the game. The culture of patriarchy was never as absolute in reality as it was in theory.
But race and class also mattered, both in determining what was expected from any woman and in defining the possible roles open to her. The parameters of acceptable female conduct and activities were closely tied to her social class and racial category. Elite white women were to be chaste and under the direct supervision of their male kin.
They taxed items to help pay for the French and Indian war