The answer all depends on your current living conditions and the amount of money you posses. IF you had a steady and secure job that paid a lot and you had a good house with constant food source then yes. IF you have a job that doesn't pay a lot then obviously no. Working only one or two days today would be hard, and I speak from a bit of experience as my parents work 6 jobs and we still struggle sometimes. So the answer is it depends on the type of job you have.
A melodrama is a dramatic or literary work where the plot is sensational.
D, she cannot be compared to other standards. he talks about her fondly, not in a belittling way. :)
onal opinion of everything about each of those two classes except the material you're learning: the teacher, the textbooks, the classroom, the time of day, the person you sit next to, etc. Write an essay that weighs these factors against one another and that comes to a conclusion about how much these factors influence your strong positive and negative feelings about these two school subjects
Yes, I have experienced positive emotions after being exposed to a scary but safe situation.
When people go through an experience of being scared while knowing nothing bad can happen to them, it is common for them to have cathartic feelings afterwards. That happened to me after being forced to watch a very scary horror movie. My friends and I voted, and I was the only one who wanted to watch an adventure film. Not wishing to look like a coward, I accepted the result and watched the horror movie with them. While doing it, I was constantly afraid, sometimes even feeling like closing my eyes. However, as soon as it was over, I felt an immediate relief, happiness. Since I knew I wasn't the one who had suffered all of that, and also knew that it was very unlikely to happen at all, I felt even safer than I did before.