Islamic Achievements in Medieval Medicine: Hospitals and Doctor Training. Rather than viewing disease as a punishment from God as the Christians thought, Islam looked at disease as just another problem for mankind to solve. The Prophet decreed that the sick and injured should be cared for, not shunned.
It is not really certain as to when the writing systems in China started but there are evidence that during the Shang dynasty, pictographs and ideographs were already inscribed in bones although the system was already quite complex that it could have well originated many years before.
Tradición es cada una de aquellas pautas de convivencia que una comunidad considera dignas de constituirse (en este caso indígenas). Después de esto sigue como una parte integral de sus usos y costumbres y se mantiene para que sean aprendidas por las nuevas generaciones, como parte indispensable del legado cultural.
Ghana was established in the year 1957.
The correct answer is: "employees working long hours at low pay in unsafe conditions"
The term sweatshop is used to refer to a working place characterized by socially unceptable conditions, where the work undertaken can be unsafe, underpaid or both. In such places people work very extense shifts without overtime payments, the minimum wage regulations are ignored and sometimes, even laws banning child labor are violated.
The International Labour Organization had set certain standards for workplaces, in order to avoid such situations, and undertakes periodic inspections all over the world, to assess compliance.