B. It reinvigorated the KKK.
The Flim "Birth of A Nation" is a highly controversial and white-supremacist sponsored film, that depicts African-American being unintelligent and sexually offensive towards White Women. The film presents the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a heroic force necessary to preserve American values and a white supremacist social force to keep Blacks in check.
According to the Declaration, the king denied life, liberty and happiness by preventing the colonists from establishing their own laws, making them in a way "prisoners" to the laws dictated across the sea which shouldn't have to apply to their life in the new continent.
Also by prohibiting them from trading with the rest of the world, the lives of colonists in America became dulled with the inability to reach out and expand their vision.
And finally by keeping armies in the new world during peaceful times and forbidding the new citizens to receive trial by jury.
3) European countries colonized Africa for natural resources.
The territories of Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico all became under the control of the United States following the conflict of the Spanish American War. The Spanish American war was fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. The correct answer is D.
biden in my opinion, because biden will actually make a change