The sentence which correctly uses the word "coma" as it might be found in Brianna's textbook is:
C. The coma of the comet consists of ice particles and interstellar dust.
The definition in Brianna's textbook clearly refers to "coma" as being that dust cloud that surrounds a comet. Therefore, we need to find a sentence that somehow mentions a comet's coma.
Sentences A and D can be eliminated since they refer to the coma a person gets into after an accident or due to an illness, for example. Sentence B refers to punctuation marks. In this case, it should be "comma" and not "coma". We can eliminate it as well. We are left with option C, which is the only one that uses coma in the sense found in the glossary. It clearly speaks of the coma of a comet.
Yes, we agree with Morrie about our society’s emphasis on youth.
In the second installment of The Professor, Morrie is portrayed as having been exceptionally liberal for his time and for his age. The first indication that Morrie is ahead of the popular culture is his acceptance of the research position at the mental institution, where, as a further showing of his liberal qualities, breaks the rules and befriends the most difficult patients, each of whom responds to Morrie more than they do their doctors and psychiatrists.
Morrie's so-called radical values are also exemplified by his unusually intimate relationship with his students, Mitch included. Like the students who protest in Washington D.C., and those who took over Ford Hall to fight racism at the university, Morrie believes in the progression of culture.
The culture he has created for himself does not adhere to the popular rules he protests against, and he fights to change popular social values when they do not agree with his own. Morrie continues to be very progressively minded even in his old age, and often reminds Mitch that he and everyone else is constantly changing form; his self is in continuous transition, despite his age. It is never too late, he says, to change. Morrie applies this belief to the culture that surrounds him and fights to alter it if the cause is one worth his dedication.
Learn more about Morrie here
Sentences 1, 2, and 4 contain characterization.
Characterization is a literary device that is used to highlight and explain details about a character in a story. This can includes things like the character's behavior, thought-process, opinions and ideas, conversations with other characters, and how others in the story react to the character's personality. There are two different types of characterization.
1. Direct or Explicit Characterization
This approach uses another character, the narrator, or the character themself to tell the reader about the character.
2. Indirect or Implicit Characterization
In this approach, the reader has to determine the characteristics of the character themselves
<em>Of the five statements, three contain characterization:</em>
- <em>“I don’t think your joke is funny,” she huffed, </em><em>glowering</em><em> at her friend.
- <em>The tardy bell rang, but he </em><em>sauntered</em><em> to class </em><em>unconcerned</em><em>.</em>
- <em>She waited </em><em>patiently</em><em> as she </em><em>carefully</em><em> adjusted the telescope.
The bolded words help us explain the character's behavior, which is why they are considered to contain characterization.
The other two sentences are not considered to use characterization because they describe places or things and not a character.
- <u>The house</u> loomed ominously on the hill; no occupants were visible.
- <u>The town’s laws</u> required that all teenagers be home by 11 p.m.
It represents her being and adult, and also childish.
The question is an excerpt from a book titled house on the mango. And it is from Chapter 19, which is titled Chanclas
What Esperanza wears is a metaphor for her age because while the dress portrays her as being an adult, in way of her dressing. The chanclas portrays her as being childish instead.
This, is what makes it a metaphor
1. Take a deep breath. - PPSS
2. Look at the problem as a challenge. - PRS
3. Seek advice from responsible family members/relatives. -SSS
4. Talk to a friend who can do something about your problem. - SSS
5. Believe that you can do it. - PPSS
In 1. Take a deep breath - PPSS is used here. This actually tells the individual to relax and focus.
In 2. Look at the problem as a challenge - PRS is used here. Positive- reframing strategies has to do with thinking and seeing the problem in a positive light. So, when the individual sees the problem as a challenge, he/she is using positive reframing strategies.
In 3. Seek advice from responsible family members/relatives- SSS is used here. Support-seeking strategies refers to the strategy of getting people to help us solve those challenges.
In 4. Talk to a friend who can do something about your problem. - SSS is also used here.
In 5. Believe that you can do it. - PPSS was used here. To believe in one's self is a positive strategy needed in problem-solving.