He wishes his father would just listen to him about what happened to him in Vietnam and all the horrors he went through and give him credit for the 7 medals he had received for his efforts in the war. However, his father was in a rather depressed state and did not see medals as a measure of a man's ability or heroism. All his son wanted to do was get some of the pressures of the war off his chest and be admired some by his dad but it was useless and it just had to keep it inside. The guilt and the good that he felt was a burden he carried. He also wished his father would recognize what a good soldier he himself had been instead of withdrawing to himself after the war. As a result he sees and feels no use for his life after the war
Does it use the words "like" or "as". The two possible answers are metaphor or simile
A God is on our side and will see that the colonies win.
The evidence that Henry cites to support the claim that "we are not weak" is the statement that God is on their side and will make sure that the colonists win.
an essay on corona? ok! here
It has affected me personally in the social and educational aspect, but I know around the city of Detroit it's affecting others as well. In Detroit, which is one of the cities around the country hit hard by the virus, the pandemic has also affected the youth. Youth are now forced to stay home instead of going to school and spending time with friends. Most kids need to be outside and with people to release their energy and socialize. Now this cannot happen, because the virus has affected us so much. One thing we also see happening is food insecurities and social distancing. Due to what is happening in the world, people are very much afraid and cautious about food supply and interactions with people. People are afraid and are told to stay inside, so we stock up supplies that will last them about a month. Usually people get stuff that we will last them about two weeks, but now we need to stay home as much as we can.
With social distancing, we now separate ourselves from other parts of society. This has made me feel very much disconnected from my friends. Humans are made to be out and about and socialize with beings on Earth. These unfortunate events have led many people to be disconnected from society. This has allowed my mind to go to the dark side, where my fears come out. My main fear is “How long will my life be on pause?” I’m afraid of how long I will be stuck in the house and can’t see my friends. Will it be a couple more weeks or will it be a couple months?