Make their own bed. One of my favorite ways that kids can help at home is with their laundry. ...
Bring Laundry to the Laundry Room. First, remove all hampers from your kids rooms. ...
Sort Laundry. ...
Put Laundry Away. ...
Stack Laundry Vertically in Drawers. ...
Everyone Dresses Themselves. ...
Hang Towels to Dry on Low Hooks. ...
Kids + Dishes.
I didn’t read it myself but I’d search ‘Goose Girl Analysis’ on Google and and find something from an academic website like Cliffnotes or Shmoop. If you can’t find anything then you’ll have to look for a Prezi or Google Slide, or something like that. They won’t be as professional because they’re likely by students, but it’s better than nothing, and hopefully it helps get you started. x
I'm assuming the underlined conjunctions are <em>both </em>and <em>and </em>(because you didn't underline any, and those are the only two conjunctions in the sentence).
Those conjunctions are called correlative conjunctions - this means that they are connecting two items which are equally important. So, this woman saw both Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald - and both of those artists are important to the woman.