<h3><em><u>Justice has nothing to do with equality except in the purely formal sense that if, for instance, a rule is applied to everyone, it follows that it is applied equally to everyone: two people who commit the same crime deserve the same punish- ment, and so on.</u></em></h3>
the Isle of Dogs is generally a play written by Thomas Na-she and Ben Johnson. this play was performed in 1597 in London, it was considered slanderous and offensive even that the writer was arrested and no single copy of it was ever found.
The privy council orders the closure not just the play but that theater where it was performed in London, it takes further to closure of all theaters in London.
I’d say:
I had a hard time deciding whether to write an essay about the works of “Eudora Welty, Joan Didion, Gwendolyn Brooks” because the rest of the punctuations doesn’t make sense.
But actually it should be:
I had a hard time deciding whether to write an essay about the works of Eudora Welty, Joan Didion, and Gwendolyn Brooks.
(Without the quotation marks and inclusion the word “and” before “Gwendolyn”)
The phrase that makes this thesis statement wordy is: electronic mail.
Wordiness refers to making something longer than it should be, that is, using too many words to express something. In the case of the thesis statement we are analyzing here, all words seem to be necessary with the exception of the final phrase. As we know, "electronic mail" is no longer an expression in use. It's been decades since it has been replaced by the shorter version "email", "e" standing for "electronic". Not only does using "electronic mail" make the sentence wordy, it also makes it sound old-fashioned.
A well-known alchemist and only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with incredible powers.