Match the two types of reforms introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev with their characteristics. encouraged government transparency al
lowed multiple candidates to stand for elections in the country limited the communist government’s interference in business allowed criticism of Soviet officials lessened censorship which ones go under which option 1 Perestroika and Glasnot
Here is the information for the policy of Perestroika (meaning "restructuring" ) - Limited the communist government's interference in the country.
Here is the information for the policy of Glasnost (meaning "openness") - Encouraged government transparency. - Allowed multiple candidates to stand for elections in the country. - Allowed criticism of Soviet officials . - Lessened censorship.
Both of these policies helped lead to the falling of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
Perestroika is known as the economic reform aimed at developing a new structure of the internal economy of the Soviet Union, which was put into practice throughout its territory by Mikhail Gorbachev, a month after he took power. The vision that Mikhail Gorbachev had for the future was, fundamentally, to reorganize the socialist system in order to preserve it. Among his plans for change was that Soviet society could be transformed so that it was ready and could contribute to the creation of a new economic system within socialism, in the Soviet Union. This process was full of conversions towards democracy in politics and the members of the Kremlin, bringing with it a huge amount of consequences in the economy and in society, which culminated in the Gorbachev era and the consequent dissolution of the USSR.
The glasnost is known as a policy that was carried out at the same time as the perestroika by the leader of the moment Mikhail Gorbachev, from 1985 to 1991.1 In comparison with perestroika, which dealt with the economic restructuring of the Soviet Union, the glasnost it concentrated on liberalizing the political system. This stipulated freedoms for the media to have greater confidence to criticize the government. Gorbachev also authorized the release of prisoners - politicians for internal and external opposition - and the emigration of some refuseniks. The most express objective of the glasnost was to create an internal debate among Soviet citizens and to encourage a positive attitude and enthusiasm towards the reforms that were being addressed. However, this opening policy turned against Gorbachev as economic and social problems increased as a result of the reforms themselves and as the criticism of the Soviet population against the political leadership of the CPSU increased. During the glasnost, the public was informed, among other things, about the violent political repression of the Stalinist era that until then had been reserved for State reasons.
I would say maybe the author makes one of the main characters lose a shoe or falls on the ground and has to go to the hospital. as these things arnt people or animals so they won't be considered antagonists.