Passenger cars and mining should be the answer because I had this answer on my assignment. also you wanna be freinds.
In the lines 1 from 18, Macbeth is very rude with the servant and he didn't believe what the servant says anymore. He also continuously insults the servant when he says, “Go... thy face and over... , / Thou lily-livered boy. What soldiers, patch? /... Those linen cheeks of thine / Are counselors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face” which are in lines 14-17. Also, Macbeth depicts the servant as a coward and a clown. Hope this helps.
1=Har jgah ki news milti rhegi
Answer: Third-person omniscient shows us what many characters in the story are thinking and feeling third person limited point of view sticks closely to one character in the story. Using third person limited point of view doesn't mean you tell the story entirely from the one character's perspective using I.