The actual answer is A. : At the official inquiry after the fire, it was established that there were several missed chances to stop the fire.
I realized there was no correct answer for this question so i did the test and i got this question right. yw! i hope this helps someone on their test.
Because it isn’t a commonly known measure anymore, simply is not used much.
An example of structure, from the group of answer choices is:
- Visual Formatting
This is the visual presentation and arrangement of words, lines, stanzas, paragraphs, and so on. They are part of what make up the structure of a text.
- Order of Events in a Plot
In a narration for example, the order of events is the order in which events that have taken place; from most previous to most recent, are written. This can affect the structure of a text if there is too much simultaneous use of chronology and achronology in the order of events.
- Punctuation
The arrangement of punctuation and how scantily or bulkily they are used in a text also affects the structure.
Finally, or in general, if a text is well structured, there will be free flow of understanding when it's read from beginning to end. Also, it will have a neat appearance.
In "The Negro speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes, the four rivers which are; Euphrates, Congo,Nile and Mississippi has significance. The significance of the four rivers is that the all played an important role in the history of the history of the ancestors of African-Americans.
This poem is about the lives of African people and their lives before and after they left their land. it is a free verse poem which was published in 1921. it presents the memory of Africans that were forced into slavery. The major themes in the poem are that of pride, heritage and nature.
The River Euphrates which is the longest River in western Asia symbolizes return of innocence as Hughes links himself to the history where few people populate the planet, a history of a young world, the river has a sense of innocence.
The River Congo is also referenced by Hughes as the deepest river in Africa is symbolic of Hughes deep connection to that continent.