True - According to CP- Sale of Modular Homes , a licensee who sells land and a modular home to be affixed to the land is subject to the laws and rules of the Commission,
CP-14 Scale of Modular Homes is a Commission that offers service by Licensees. Such Services such as a collection of rents ,development services,management of real property performed independently but not involving renting. These services are integrated with the real state. All money received in connection disbursed according to the law and the rules of Real Estate.
The Commission is a position is Real State, which stated that licensee who sells land modular homes to be affixed to the land to the purchaser in arranged and pre-arranged packaged transaction is subject to the laws and rules of Commission. All money received should be processed through a broker. It is another position of the Commission that of licensee sells a land, a modular home, and there has no brokerage relationship between owners of the land and licensee, then such sale will not comply with requirements of Commission Rule.
Since sales are in money, and currency shows money, Currency is our answer
The contents of the portfolio will depend on individual education, work experience and future goals
The contents of the portfolio will depend on the following -
a) Work biography/experiences
b) Career goals
c) personal details
d) contact information
e) Professional photograph
f) Relevant skills
g) Relevant documents, certificates, degree etc.
Follows are the command which is used to copy file data:
CP data1 to data2 datafiles
In the above-given command code, we use the CP command, which is part of the Linux. In this command, we use CP that stands for copying data1 file to data2 file for copying, and for the files to be pasted. This command also uses the "datafiles", which is used to provide the relative final destination path.