The answer is the confirmation bias.
This bias takes place when a person only looks for or recalls information that supports their point of view, even in the presence of evidence against it. This also occurs when a person interprets information to their favour.
Confirmation bias is most common for strong emotional situations, politics and religious beliefs.
1. premeditated murder & treason.
2. drug trafficking & identity theft.
3. jails are for those who's sentences are short term, usually run by local law enforcement. prisons are for people with long term sentences, normally run by state or federal government.
4. in short, probation usually includes someone reporting to a probation officer periodically, fees are sometimes required, they might have to obey curfews. parole happens upon an inmates release. It may require one to participate in a rehabilitation program, something that may help them slowly get used to being in society again. They may have to report to a parole officer, and fines may be part of their conditions.
5. I answered another one of your questions for this one. You should see it in your notifications.
cognitive-developmental theorists
The cognitive development refers to the development of the thought processes and thinking ability of an individual. The cognitive development also helps people to understand and interact with the world.
The theory of cognitive development was developed by Piaget.
As a child grows, he learns to differentiate between what is good and what is bad. The child learns to think morally and searches for the moral truth.
Thus a child who is wondering about the right and the wrong searches for the moral truth is endorsed by the approach of the cognitive-developmental theorists.
You can get aids from HIV, which is through sex. There is no known cure. You get Malaria from mosquito's and there is a cure.
Although this is a personal question, we can still provide an example of how you could answer this question.
An example of an unusual family circumstance that affected my achievements in these areas was the divorce of my parents. While the divorce itself was amicable, it still took a toll on me and my ability to concentrate on other matters. Because I was concerned about the future of my family, I could not concentrate at school, and my grades worsened. Moreover, I did not feel like getting involved in extracurricular activities or in my community. It took a long time before I was able to get involved in those activities again.