Several meanings could be agvined to this. On face value, Dr. King is saying that the men who lynched Emmett Till were morally bankrupt but hid behind Christianity and rationalized their actions for murdering Emmett for allegedly flirting with a married white woman.
d. our division of time into hours, minutes, and seconds.
The Sumerians were responsible for dividing time the way we do today. First, they determined that the day would begin at sunrise and end only if sunset, where the night would begin that would only end when the sun rose again. After that, observing the skies and their changes throughout the day and night, they developed a complex, but very efficient, division and timing system. They realized that the day could be divided into 24 hours and that each hour could be divided into 60 minutes, so each minute should have 60 seconds.
A directly stated consitutional requirement in the US constitution in Article 2 Section 3 is that the President must give to Congress recommendations regarding the State of the Union and recommend any actions that are considered essential and expedient.
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C. Many women replaced men in jobs on farms and in factories.
They were needed badly due to shortage of men. World War 2 saw epic destruction level and the mobilization of more than 100 million soldiers which resulted in the shortage of workers at factories and farms back home. So women were offered the domestic duties.