1. My parents <em><u>been</u></em> in New York two weeks from today.
2. Nothing much <em><u>happened</u></em> when I got to the meeting.
3. I was tired yesterday because I <em><u>have not slept</u></em> well the night before.
4. When I left the house this morning it <em><u>had already rained</u></em>
5. They <em><u>have been</u></em> in Chicago for 20 years
yes i have seen
whats your question
but i have seen nearly 1 year ago so ..........
B) magna carta
The Magna Carta expresses the idea of limited government by requiring the king to govern according to established rules of law. The Magna Carta states that the king cannot deprive the nobility of their rights. The nobility, in return, must support and obey the king and the laws.