no because that stu pid there's not much to explain to it why should the gorvwmernt be able to
Dramatic irony means that (B) the audience knows something the character and characters don't.
This style of writing was often used in Greek literature. Readers can interpret the significance of the characters actions and words, something that the character himself or herself cannot.
Sara decided to encroach upon Luke's property. Their relationship already was a dump. They had a constrict line between love . The agreement was that Luke would no longer contact Sara, and in return, Sara would no longer come to Luke's house. However, Luke did not comply and texted her anyway. In retaliation, Sara toilet papered the trees by his house. Luke called the police, and this caused Sara to have a tentative court date. Sara was unable to make it to court, so she wrote an essay for the magistrate.
It details the origins of the infection in China, and its spread via human trafficking, refugees, and the organ trade. Governments of the world ignore it until a public outbreak occurs in a South African shantytown, leading to Israel unifying with Palestine and closing its borders.