The geosphere is the solid part of the earth. It has three components which are: the core, mantle and the crust. Thus, the mantle is a component of the geosphere.
Because through natural selection, only the fittest survive. when the fittest come together and reproduce then the species continues and evolves with only the fittest and strongest genes.
AARP. Which legitimately American Association of Retired Persons
. Which honestly speaks for itself. This groups has stood for 10 years and helps many today.
Fusion of embryonic myoblasts, each having its own nucleus to many other myoblasts to form the multinucleated skeletal muscle fibers.
The multiple nuclei in skeletal muscle cells are as a result of fusion of embryonic myoblasts, each having its own nucleus to many other myoblasts to form the multinucleated skeletal muscle fibers. This gives rise to multiple copies of genes, allowing production of the large amounts of proteins and enzymes and ATPs needed for muscle contraction.