The prime minister is the leader of the party that wins the most seats in general
The answer is B. In a federalist system of government, like in the US, the powers are divided between the national and state governments, meaning this that each state has authonomy in certain degree to implement and manage their own laws, as long as this does not affect or contradict the Constitution. This system of government was implemented in the XVIII century as a way to ensure the individual liberties of americans.
fifty yfy u gy gyu
huygyu gyui go yog gyo uio
Europeans in general have a clearly positive attitude towards wood. According to the available
survey data, it is a material considered natural, warm, healthy, good-looking, easy to use and environmentally friendly by a majority of people across Europe. People feel well when surrounded by wood,
and thus above all associate wood’s use with interiors and furniture. It is evident that most people
think of solid wood only, when asked about wood in general.
i looked it up...