Roosevelt's New Deal programs worked to aid the rural poor, as well as restore soil quality and establish better farming practices.
The Resettlement Administration and Farm Security Administration were agencies created to help poor people in rural areas.
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Soil Erosion Service (later known as the Soil Conservation Service), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were involved in improving land conditions. Working in conjunction with the National Forestry Service, the CCC and WPA participated in planting millions of trees to act as windbreaks, to prevent the kind of blowing erosion of soil that occurred in the Dust Bowl.
The Economic Opportunity Act was created to address poverty. Although it should be noted that some aspects of the Act were indirectly focussed on health as well.
The History of the Standard Oil Company<span> is a 1904 book by journalist</span>Ida Tarbell<span>. It is an exposé about the Standard Oil Company, run at the time by oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, the richest figure in American history.
d.</span><span>19th century objective historiography
It's to hold these men over the other country's head. "We have your soldiers, so what are you gonna do about it?" It costs a lot. Feeding and gaurding the soldiers is very hard.
The peasants in Rome (Plebs)