When it is first person POV and you say something like "Becky was jealous of Debby as she walked by and caught all the boys attention."
In chapter 11, Mrs. Tibbits and Ben just get back from toad watching because it was raining. Mrs. Tibbits tells Ben the reason why her sister-in-law wants to sell the house. Developers want to purchase the property to build on it. Ben realizes this is not good because the Spadefoot toads are endangered and if developers indeed purchase the property and build there, the spadefoot toads will no longer be able to lay their eggs and will probably become extinct. Ben is trying to hatch a plan to help Mrs. Tibbits in this situation.
They are not synonyms of each other, but both are used as synonyms of the word "unbiased." Each word has a very broad meaning, and the meanings only intersect when describing an unbiased opinion or view.
A: he favored colonization by the british (correct on plato)
I think it will be very risky