Generally, rights are a moral or legal entitlement to have or to do something they are meant for intellectual and spiritual development of an Individual and which also have a moral obligation upon him/her.
Now, how important are they??
Every one of us has the right to live, it does not really mean mere existence, it means living with dignity and having all the basic necessities for survival like for example food, shelter, education, clothing, clean environment and having peaceful standards of life.
Many Constitutions in the world has codified some basic rights as their fundamental rights for the betterment of their citizens, similar to that one we have in India.
Hence now we can conclude that for every individual to unleash his/her true potential some fundamental rights guaranteed by the law are necessary and it shall be the duty of the state to guarantee Rights to their citizens.
In similar to these fundamental rights even children also should have some basic rights to enjoy!!
Who is a Child??
According to United Nations any individual under the age of 18 is a child, even they have their own basic needs such as Right to get a universal education. Right to get universal health care. Right to have the basic liberty of thoughts and expression. Rights for physical protection from abuse (in any form). Right to an adequate standard of living.
The problem is that cows are getting sick due to a disease that appeared in England in 1986. The solution that they went with is to get sick cows off the food supply