Answer to A multiple EOB/RA comes back to a large group practice filled with details of ... Of The Status Of Claims Including A Voucher (check), Suspended Claims, Denials, ... What Are Some Steps The Medical Office Administrator Can Take To Record The Completed Transactions And Address Any Outstanding Problems?
Two disadvantages of using the DSM are, it oversimplifies human behivior and increses the risk of misdiagnosis. That negatively impacts individuals becuase (you didnt put anything here so just add your answer ig)
hope this helped!
surface of an epithelial cell
2 times 2 is 4 (brainlist)
TLDR: Antibiotics must be taken several weeks to fully kill the bacteria. Else, surviving bacteria develops drug resistance.
Antibiotic prescription really depends on the patient's condition. Some conditions like major surgery or diseases that cause immunosuppression are more prone to bacterial infection, thus they must take antibiotics for prolonged periods of time to fight their current infections or prevent further infections.
Antibiotics, as a general rule, must be given 7 days or several weeks (depending on the bacteria/pathogen) to be sure that all the disease-causing bacteria are dead. If the drugs are taken only until symptoms fade, the surviving bacteria (now fewer in number and not causing symptoms) will develop mutations that may help resist the previously-taken antibiotic, giving rise to drug resistance.
Thus, Arjun must take the antibiotics for several weeks more (according to the doctor's orders, of course) to kill all remaining bacteria and also to prevent bacterial drug resistance. Which is really problematic, since we're slowly losing our number of effective antibiotics.