Jenner demonstrates a people-oriented style of leadership because she has to listen to what her customers think to make new and lucrative products that people will enjoy. She also demonstrates reverent power, the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, and charasmatic leadership.
Correct answer is d. Patriots
A is wrong because Loyalists were the colonists loyal to the British.
B is wrong because it is an expression used for the people who are members of Parliament.
C is wrong because Tories are the the members of political party in Britain.
D is correct because Patriots were named like that be cause they were fighting for the patriotic cause and that was the independence of the colonies from the British Crown.
The correct answer is: "Purchasing Power Parity"
The theory of the Purchasing Power Parity is used to compare the cost of life and living standards between two countries that use two different currencies. This is done by comparing two curriencies through a basket of goods, by comparing their market prices and, therefore, how they are valued under each currency. This enables to conclude how much of each currency you need to purchase an specific product (a bike) and hence, the purchasing power of consumers who hold that currency.