A because i dont know what the second one is
Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature.
Day reporting centers or Day care centers.
These are facilities where the offenders must report daily or many times a day during specified times. Here, the offenders are assessed for their special needs and services such as drug abuse testing, anger issues, mental health treatment, violence prevention, community services and vocational training. these reporting centers also engage offenders in manual labor as work crews, and also provide them educational opportunities.
spanish speak ???????????
Hypertension may be defined as high blood pressure. This occurs when too much pressure are experienced by the arteries. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) plays an important role in the body and maintains the level of lipid and proteins in the body.
A lady has high LDL and has high blood pressure. She must be transfer to the emergency room and seeks the medical emergency. The signs that are shown by the lady are the indication of the heart attack. She must be given anti clotting drugs and proper medication.