Conclusions about the amusement park mascot are: D
<u>Polly will conclude that all amusement park mascots are friendly, and Dinah will be careful to conclude that all amusement park mascots are friendly.
<h2>Further Explanation
In the quote, it was explained that Polly was only 5 years old and Dinah was 15 years old, so naturally, she was careful in getting to know people around her, but for Polly, she was only 5 years old. This way of thinking can be called cognitive development, here is an explanation.
<em><u>Cognitive</u></em> can be interpreted as an ability possessed by children in understanding something. Cognitive development leads to the ability possessed by children in understanding something. According to Piaget (a psychologist), the way of thinking of children is different from the way of thinking of adults. Piaget divides four stages of a child's cognitive development, including the following:
- Sensorimotor stage (0-24 months)
At this time, a baby's abilities are limited to his reflexes and senses. The various reflexes then develop into habits. At this early stage of cognitive development, the Little can not consider the needs, desires, or interests of others, so he is considered "egocentric".
-Preoperational stage (2-7 years)
When in this period, children have entered the social environment. In this stage, it has the characteristic that the child starts to think logically even though it is inadequate, besides that the child can also use his mental operations.
-Operational stage (7-11 years)
At this time, children are able to sort and classify certain objects and situations.
-The formal operational stage (starting at age 11)
At this time, children's thinking has developed very rapidly, children have mastered reasoning and are able to draw their own conclusions.
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Cognitive development,
Class: High School
Subject: Health
Keywords: child attitude development, cognitive development.