<u>False, Not necessarily</u>
- According to the question,Kerneland suffers from a chronic scarcity of its staple grain, and corns which are agricultural products don't mean that a country is not self-sufficient in itself.
- Since Kernaland faces this scarcity it can import the same products from other countries to get rid of this problem which maintaining a balance of trade it can export what it specializes with.
- Developed countries have had similar problems of food scarcity in the earlier periods, but have overcome this. Blaming developing countries from the lack of food supplies is not a good way of understanding the economy, as many nations that are now developed or food sufficient had to import more of agricultural produce example is landlocked countries.
The astronomers predicted fireworks from the rare stellar encounter in the year 2018. Stellar collision can be defined as when two stars which are in the same group of the stars due to the radiations emitted by the gravity or may be because of some other reason.
The importance of this encounter to the astronomers was that this can describe the huge population of millisecond pulsars and can also be used to develop the exotica of the stars.
Mars has 7 natural resources
I think the common between low-latitude countries would be people's skin color and If you compare the Philippines and its neighboring countries, they have more or less similar physical attributes. Typical Filipinos looked similar with Indonesians.
For Southeast Asia, i would also consider religion is common between the two. Both the Philippines and the other Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, they have a large number of Muslim settlers while other tropical countries in South America, these countries have similar Spanish ancestry just like the Philippines.