This isn't really a business question, but generally vegetables would be a healthier choice for a pizza topping instead of meats and cheeses.
Report it to the right person
According to the article titled "What to do when you spot your employer doing something illegal" written by Catherine Conlan.
It says the best thing to do is to report it to the right person.
This is evident when it is stated in the article that "If you reasonably believe your employer is doing something illegal or unethical, you should first bring it to your supervisor’s attention... If it’s your supervisor you suspect, exhaust the chain of command within the company.
Hopefully, the company will investigate the matter. If no one within the chain of command responds, then there is generally a government agency with whom one can file a complaint,"
High-tech firms are hiring expensive, sophisticated people who are in high demand compared to fast food franchises and treat them better to avoid losing them to other companies
High-tech firms are hiring expensive, sophisticated people who are in high demand. This brings about a better treatment of their employees because if they do not offer these amenities to employees, they would become employees of other high-tech companies. Individuals with low skill levels do not get high salaries or benefits. They are not in as high demand as highly skilled workers. It is efficient, but many would argue that it is not fair.
It is used by Fed to manage the economy by increasing or decreasing the amount of loans being made
The Fed decides on required reserve ratio for the banks and other financial institutions; t can lower or raise it. Reserve ratio is the portion of all the money that bank are required to sets aside and hold onto; this means they are not allowed to lend that out to borrowers. This is a technique that is used to control the supply of money in the economy. By decreasing this ratio, banks will have more money to lend out and vice versa.
b) wiki
because emails only have one template, and can usually only go from one person to the other without overcomplicating.
firewalls are for protecting websites and private information.
blogs are usually for one person to post, and won't be as efficient and easy.
wikis are the best option because you can find various websites with templates for specific needs, especially for the workplace