Separation of church and state and trial by jury of one's peers are some similarities between the Magna Carta and the US constitution.
Magna carta' Libertatum is commonly called the 'great charter' is a charter of rights agreed by King John in 1215. It protected the freedom of the England' wealthy classes. It was against Absolutism and monarchy and gave rise to the common law. It was written in order to protect the rights of the people against the tyrannical king and it also revealed the grievances pertaining to the feudal system.
Similarly, Declaration of independence was written due to the tyranny and despotic attitude of the English crown against the colonists. People were burdened with heavy taxes and the annoyed colonists plunged into protests paving way for the secession from the homeland and independence. Both the documents gave importance to human rights.
Some similarities and differences between the Byzantie Empire and Kiev Russia consist of the Byzantie Empire's period lasting from 330-1613, whereas Kiev's period lasted from the 700's-1110's. The Byzantie Empire was a more advanced society then Kiev. Kiev recieved most of their culture from cultural diffusion from Byzantie. Some similarities include that two leaders from both locations converted to Christianity. Both locations were the only ruler. And both locations strived to control the church, also known as to control the people. Supremacy existed in both.
The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run. Put another way: a republic is the system of government that allows a country to be democratic!