I have not read the excerpt myself, but I can give you some tips on detecting the correct conflict. To detect whether conflict is internal or external, consider the way the story is told. If the conflict is interior, it will take place within the mind of a character. If the conflict is external, it will take place physically or verbally between two characters or between a character and some exterior force, such as nature. To figure out who the conflict is taking place between, consider whether the character in question is battling their own mind, feelings, or actions; this would indicate that they are in conflict with themselves. If the subject of their conflict is another character, that would indicate that they are not in conflict with themselves. Hope this helps.
I believe that the best answer for this question is the Nez Perce War. The War broke out when the U.S. Army pursued 750 Nez Perce, led by Chief Joseph, who were fleeing away from Idaho and towards freedom. The Nez Perce outfought their opponents, but eventually, Joseph formally surrendered. After the war ended, the Nez Perce were shuttled to prisoner of war camps for eight months. Chief Joseph went to see the President to plead his case. Hope this helps.
Balboa's motivation is what allows your adventure to begin. This affects the story's storyline because it stops being a biography and becomes an adventure story, leaving the storyline more important and even positive, because the reader is enthusiastic about accompanying a character motivated to pursue his goals within of the holding.
Balboa is a biography of explorer Vasco nuñes de Balboa written by Sir Ronald Syme. In this biography, the explorer's great achievements and his objectives in relation to navigation, exploration and wealth are counted. Syme wrote the biography based on Balboa's motivation, which made the plot seem like an extremely exciting and thought-provoking adventure story.
I found the answer written by parkerbj on brainly when I was searching for the answer myself so thanks to them.