A hug makes you feel warm inside and when you feel sad it's like the outside is cold and the hug is the blanket. :)
A. It's simply an opinion/personal experience.
I think this quote is trying to say you need to be yourself and not follow the crowd. There are so many people who act the same because that’s what’s "expected" in society. If you continue with the flow and don’t go against it, you will end up being like all the rest without even realizing it. Hope that helped
Ví dụ: Họ đã chiến đấu như những con mèo và con chó! ... Ví dụ: Hai chị em đánh nhau như chó với mèo! Phép ẩn dụ . So sánh hai thứ không giống nhau KHÔNG sử dụng các từ "như" hoặc "như."