One feature setting the southern colonies from the middle colonies was that the southern colonies had many enslaved workers.
The slavery in the colonies was mostly practiced in the South. These southerners needed cheap labor because their soils were very fertile.
These people in the South had large farm plantations that they used the slaves to work on. The slaves were used to work on rice, cotton, tobacco, and corn fields.
strong states' rights
A Democratic-Republican often referred to as Jeffersonian-Republicans dominated the political scene in the United States around the early 1800s before the party split following the aftermath of the 1824 presidential election.
However, unlike the Federalist which was been led by Alexander Hamilton, Democratic-Republicans most favored policies such as
1. Strong states' rights
2. Rigid interpretation of the Constitution.
To them, a strong central government can affect individual freedoms.
Around 1670, King Charles II of England gave the British East India Company rights to run their territories in India as they saw fit. He gave them the power to mint money, command fortresses and troops, form alliances, make war and peace, and to enforce laws in the areas they controlled.
A strong sense of attachment or belonging to one's own country
most people live on farms