The introduction of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney had a great effect on the plantations, as well as slavery. Before the cotton gin was invented, the production of cotton was a… painstaking business. To remove the cotton fiber from the seeds took a great amount of time.
The power of the settlement work translated to a broad social engagement of Jane Addams in which she combined here work for Hull House with a comparably passionate contribution to the peace movement during the First World War. That earned her the nickname Saint Jane.
Answer: The North American Southwest homes were made out of adobe and The Arctic homes were made out of Igloos that's how they were different. They both have homes that's what similar between the two of them.
Different groups within political parties may have different goals isn the presidential nominating process. but of course, all parties are surely interested in winning the election, but depending on one whether one is a leader, or maybe even an activist,this goal may conflict with other purposes of the political parties.
Answer: C. Plants utilize radioisotopes in the same way they use non radioisotopes because they are chemically identical.