1. It can be use as source of energy and fuel.
2. It can be use to build body tissues and bones.
3. To fight pathogens or fight infections.
4. It can be use for bones development.
Biomass are Renewable source of organic matter that can be use for energy. These includes wood, seaweeds, crops and animal wastes. Biomass get it's source of energy from sunlight. All biomass contained stored energy from sun which is gotten from the process of photosynthesis where green plants uses carbondioxide and water with light energy to produce sugars. Animals get their energy from consuming sugars.
Biomass eaten by animals can be use in four ways.
. It can be use as source of energy and fuel.
2. It can be use to build body tissues and bones.
3. To fight pathogens or fight infections.
4. It can be use for bones development.
Argon is actually used to determine the age. It's called potassium-argon dating b/c when volcano erupts the rocks in it contain potassium. The potassium slowly decays and produces argon. Scientists measure how much argon is in a given volcanic rock and do math backwards to figure out how many potassium atoms were needed to produce the given amount of argon. We already know the rate at which potassium decays so then they put two and two together to find the age.
Here's a link with some cool info on it:
N. kinibalina