The message that he was trying to get across to everybody, was that they were strong enough and capable enough to break free from England all together. Also, he was making it clear to the king of England that the new people of United states were not afraid to break free. His whole goal was to persuade the people that they should break free because, for one, the king was already taxing them to death, and two, the king still had control over them and he still had their loyalty even though they left. He wanted to make them realize how important it was for them to try to break free of Europe's control and to officially make the United States of America.
I hope this helps you. :)
here my layout of this assignment i wouldnt recommend exactly coping it but we dont have the same teacher so its good :)
The British reduced the cost of their goods
In New Jersey, a person who goes into a building or onto another's property without permission can be charged with trespass. A person who goes into a building with the intent of committing a crime inside an be charged with burglary, a more serious offense.
Soup ladels, spatulas fork knifes spoons etc...