The diameter of the Milky Way is 3,503,974,249,104 km times larger than the diameter of Saturn's rings.
1 light year is the distance light can travel in one year. One light year is equal to exactly to 9,460,730,472,580.8 km.
Therefore the diameter of the milky way in distance is 9,460,730,472,580.8 x
km while the diameter of Saturn rings are about 270,000km.
Comparing both diameters

= 3,503,974,249,104 km
Older homes in older parts of Dublin would likely have more leaks. Water use is also affected by the size of gardens and lifestyle factors.
Standards of living in Western European Contries are higher than the world average because the GDP Per Capita of Western European Countries is higher than the world average.
Standards of living in Western European Countries are also high because the governments of these countries offer many social services, either free, or at low costs.
Western European Countries are mostly peaceful, with only very localized crime and violence.
Finally, Western European Countries developed very fast during the latter half of the XX century, but economic growth has stagnated in recent decades.
Class 8
What are natural resources?
How does land fulfil our needs?
Name a few landforms.
What are the factors that determine the pattern in which a particular region is used?
Mention some methods that are used to conserve soil?
Class 7
Name the brightest flower on tall trees.
How is natural vegetation classified?
Why do type and thickness of natural vegetation vary from place to place?
Write down the features of Tropical Evergreen Forests.
Write the features of Tropical Deciduous Forests.
Where are Temperate Evergreen forests located?
Which region is called the “orchards of the world” and why?
Write major features of Mediterranean Vegetation.
Explain major features of Tundra Type of Vegetation
Philippines Geography
Extending about 1,100 miles (1,770 km; north to south), its many islands (volcanic in origin) are mostly mountainous, with narrow coastal plains; many islands are covered by tropical rain forests.