phân tích chỉ ra vi phạm quy luật ý kiến hoặc những lập luận sau đây :
bà già đi chợ cầu đông
mua 1 quẻ bói lấy chồng đợi chăng
thầy bói gieo quẻ nói rằng
Diego rivera him ge did the painting
Rhythm is made up of sounds and silences. These sounds and silences are put together to form patterns of sound, which are repeated to create rhythm.
PRIMITIVISM, unlike Impressionism, uses musical elements that are well-defined and clear. Primitivistic music (note the adjective; this is not about "primitive" music) is tonal, but the tonality is not achieved through expectation of resolution, as in the Common Practice Period, but through the asserting of one note as more important than others. New sounds are synthesized from old ones by juxtaposing two simple events to create a more complex new event.