The answer is in a perfect competition profit is maximized when marginal cost equal marginal revenue and price is equal to average revenue and marginal revenue, while in monopolist profit is maximized when marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue.
The firm in a perfectly competitive market is a price taker,the price in the market is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. The firm has to sell their product at the ruling market price.The demand curve facing the firm in perfectly competitive market is horizontal or perfectly elastic, profit is therefore maximized when the marginal cost is equal to average revenue and marginal revenue. The firm in the market operate at the output level in which the price and marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. Whatever prices that change the market demand or supply will change the demand curve faced by the firm.The firm cannot do anything to this than to accept the market price and the demand curve.
In a monopoly the demand curve is identical to the demand curve of the firm, because industry demand curve is downward sloping.The monopolist can either set the price or quantity not the two.when one is determined the value of the other will be determined by the demand function. The profit maximization of the monopolist also requires that marginal cost must be equal to marginal revenue just like in the case of perfect completion.when the monopolist equates MR and MC the monopolist determines its output and the market price for the product. The revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve,because the straight line is the market demand. The firm will have to reduce The price of the product if they want to sell more of their product the unit of the product sold is the AR which is equal to the price.Therefore the AR curve of the monopolist and the perfect competition MR and AR are both identical that informed the reason why the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve for a single price monopolist.
I would say the third sentence. Proper planning and supervision is of utmost importance while catering to the client. I say this because the word diligence means, careful and persistent work or effort. This shows that the work is carefully planned. That's my opinion and not a fact so don't trust this unless my reasoning convinces you.
Theodore Levitt
Theodore Levitt was an American economist and professor at the prestigious Harvard Business School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Also editor of the economic magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR) where they published their articles. It marked a milestone in creating the concept of "globalization" focused on an economic point of view, specifically in its article "Globalization of Markets" was where he referred to it for the first time, thanks to what became very popular and joined the currents of economist thinking.
A focus group can be defined as a qualitative marketing research method where some people with common characteristics are brought together in a group who are guided by a trainer to promote discussions on a particular topic of interest and gather information to assist in decision making.
To organize focus groups for an innovative German-style fast food restaurant, you could separate 3 groups, the first being ages 18 to 30, the second 30-45 and the third group 45 and above.
The screening criteria could be, sources of income, profession, sex, taste for food, hobbies, etc.
The questions to ask could be related to the number of times a week people eat fast food, what is your favorite German food, how much are you willing to pay for the options offered in the restaurant, what elements do you consider most attractive in a restaurant ,etc.
Solution :
It is given that Fizzo and Pop Hop sells orange soda. Fizzo advertises about his drinks while Pop Hop does not advertises.
According to the matrix provided we can conclude that :
-- If Fizzo wishes to advertise about his soda drinks, he will earn a profit of 8 million dollar and if Pop Hop do advertises and a 15 million dollar if Pop Hop does not advertises.
-- If Fizzo does not advertise, it will earn profit of about 2 million dollar if Pop Hop advertises and 9 million dollar if Pop Hop does not advertises.
-- When Pop Hop wished to advertise , Fizzo will make a higher profit if he chooses to advertise.
-- When Pop Hop do not advertise, Fizzo will make a higher profit when it chooses to advertise.
And if both the firms acts independently and they start off not advertising, then --- both firms will advertise as both of them will earn highest profits each.
If both the firms collude and both firms start off not advertising, the strategies they will end up is that both the firms will not advertise as the joint profit will be maximized.