Michelle Howard was the U.S. Vice Chief of Naval Operations and the <em>commander of U.S. Naval Forces around the world</em> simultaneously serving at Africa, Europe, and <em>commander of Allied Joint Forces</em> at Naples; and earning the <em>Legion of Merit</em>, <em>The Navy Distinguished Service Medal</em>, <em>the Meritorious Service Medal, The NAACP Image Award/Chairman's Award, The Commendation Medal, The Achievement Medal, The Defense Superior Service Medal</em>.
M.Howard was the 1st woman to become a U.S. Navy 4 star Admiral when she became Vice Chief of Naval Operations in 2014.
*The first female nominee for president for a major party was Hillary Clinton, and the first female justice on the US Supreme Court was Sandra Day O'Connor.
This is TRUE. The FCO only works with the DoD.
They wonted slavery so they kind of went to war
This movement was said to have been started or initiated by the sons and daughters of Peurto Rican immigrants.
The Young Lords are lesser known than the Black Panthers but they were just as revolutionary. The organization began in 1967 when Jose “Cha-Cha” Jimenez transformed his Chicago street gang into a political group modeled on the Black Panthers.
Puerto Ricans were then pushed to the Wicker Park or Lincoln Park neighborhoods.