Answer: The Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824 was Mexico's first constitution, drafted after the overthrow of Emperor Agustín de Iturbide. The Constitution of 1824 transformed Mexico into a federal republic, governed by a national president, congress, and supreme court, but with lots of power also given to the states.
United Nations issues<span>Warning over Nuclear Testing would be more likely to appear on the cover of the New York Times.</span>
The Whigs and the Democrats wanted to keep slavery out of national political discussion in order to prevent what they thought would happen and did happen: a split in the United States with one being slave states only and the other being free states only.
It provides insurance against savings and loan failures.
the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, also known as the FSLIC, was an institution meant to administer deposit insurance for loan and savings institutions in the US. After The Final Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act from 1989 (also known as the FIRREA), the FSLIC was dismantled and the responsibilities of that institution were passed to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
Answer: Alaska Canada and GreenlandOregan