Eventually, Magnus reveals himself to have multiple identities. He is Albert (Cynthia's long-lost husband) as well as the real Inspector Hound. And Hound (played by Moon) is actually the madman, masquerading as Inspector Hound.Mar 2, 2016
True and false. It all depends on what you are researching. If it involves them, such as how many times they eat daily, the statement is false, but if it is looking for data on the fish population, the statement would be true. Therefore, this is false because people can be used.
An author of a detective novel is most likely to use figurative language to help the reader visualize a character.
These writers will use figures of speech such as similes, metaphors, personifications, etc. in order to describe their characters and make them easier to visualize for the audience. Oftentimes, these characters have very distinctive characteristics about them.
1.u dont have trouble picking out what ur gonna wear
1.u dont get to wear what u want to wear
2.u can express urself
3.u dont stand out
(thats all i can think of)