The Ethnologue is an encyclopedic reference work cataloging all of the world’s 7,105 known living languages
During the colonial period of Arabs living in Kenya much economic, socio-cultural and political influences occurred. Islam was introduced to the region; commercial trade between the regions increased enormously (both export and import); the modest living of the Arabs developed a sensibility to trade in the early colonialist period forming more capital for investment; there was a relative amount of hostility due to the apolitical nature of the Yemeni Arabs in becoming involved with the Kenyan Politics; the intermarriage of Arabs and Kenyans resulted in the formation
A citizen becomes involved in policy making by participating in elections. This is because policies will mostly be determined by the elected officials hence the need to ensure that one votes for representatives sharing similar views. This can also be achieved through participation in council meetings
Houston love of flashy clothes and his reputation for frontier boldness and lamars somber dress and enjoyment of quieter leaders and their vastly different visions for the new republic would do much to shape the future of Texas.
The women were equal to men in the Haudenosaunee group because they were a matriarchy. That means a social organization where every or most of the powers derive from women and/or femininity.
In the Haudenosaunee matriarchy, families followed a matrilineal system: children and property passed on according to their mothers, not fathers. When a couple married, the man came to live in the woman's family house, not the other way around.
It was a clan of mothers that appointed leaders and could discard leaders. Women had rights to their property and the products of their work.