George is described as 'small and quick'. This is in contrast to Lennie who is 'big and slow'. George is clever but quick to anger. Lennie is not clever and is slow to lose his temper.The first, George, is small, wiry, and sharp-featured, while his companion, Lennie, is large and awkward.They are both dressed in denim, farmhand attire. As they reach a clearing, Lennie stops to drink from the river, and George warns him not to drink too much or he will get sick, as he did the night before.
20 word limit sucks, so I’ll just say that I hope you’re doing okay. Stay safe out there, bro.
This answer is True Present past and past participle are the three principal parts
Answer:Independent Clause Examples
I enjoy sitting by the fireplace and reading. Waiting to have my car's oil changed is boring. She wants to travel the world and see wonderful sights. Our planets revolve around the sun.
Explanation : Independent of which country