The point of view used in "Was it a dream?" is the one of a man totally in love as to the point that he could not conceive life without his loved.
If he had loved her in a more consciously way he might have been able to deal with the fact of her illness and probably things would have been different.
The author communicates feelings about love relationships by describing in detail the many sensations about his loved woman. It was a love almost crazy, desperate and like if nothing else in the world existed.
This kind of feeling is really very risky since the person centers life in that love and if love breaks or one of the couple dies simply life ends up.
Modifiers have to be carefully placed in a sentence in order to convey the exact message and avoid ambiguity or confusion that can cause a humorous effect. In this case, the sentence that is written clearly and that uses modifiers in a grammatically correct manner without introducing ambiguity is C: To raise a good dog, patience is useful.
A summary is basically a recap or breif exploration of something. So if you were summarizing a book you would explain who the main character is, who the antagonist is and give a short explanation as to what the protagonist did to stop the antagonist.
Short example:
Mary had to steal the book back from the bad guy before he used it to destroy the Earth. She snuck around his base and eventually got to the main room where she had to fight the bad guy and escape with the book before his henchmen could catch up.