Throughout history power, wealth, and morality has affected life .
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As we were guarding the courthouse from the colonists they began to riot and become violent. We began to be forced to threaten in order to cease violence. However, the colonists would not stop throwing rocks and insults as they started to charge at us. It was at that moment we were told not to fire. We began to feel as if our lives were in danger so many of us decided that we would rather take the lives of these people than lose our own. That decision we made will go down in history as the Boston Massacre.
John Wycliffe was important to the Protestant Reformation, because he was seen as one of the "beginners" of the Protestant Reformation, and believed that an individual's interpretation of the Bible will lead to holiness, not the Church's view of receiving sacraments and that this was a frivolous luxury that the Church used to make money. John Hus is important because he is considered the first Church reformer and believed and proved the moral failings of bishops, the clergy and the papacy.
the answer is they rule over each other giving them a balance.